Monday 18 July 2011

14. Fernie, BC

It would be interesting seeing Fernie in the Summer. Whilst Svan had snowboarded there 3 years before, it will be where we will both be spending the whole of the next Winter season...
On the way up from Waterton we had already got to see our first bear @ The Cinnamon Bear Cafe, and he was quite a friendly one to boot - his cinnamon buns were great!
As soon as we arrived and had unpacked we booked ourselves in for a 2 hour downhill mountain bike course for beginners.  The bikes felt really strange to ride as they have front and back suspension, but believe me you are grateful for this when hurtling down the trails!  (Please allow some poetic license to use the word "hurtling"!) 
On the 1st full day we took the bikes out on our own, and even started doing ramps, oooowahhhhh!
The above shots show Svan riding the "Honey Bee" Trail
Me at the end of "Honey Bee"
Enjoying a drink with Katherine and Liz at Yamogoya Sushi Bar at the end of our "rest" day
At the top of Polar Peak with Katherine and Svan. According to the guides this is rated "difficult" - rocky terrain with significant elevation changes. "Some scrambling is necessary" shit!  This 3.5 hour hike was our most challenging yet, with only a few markers to follow across some steep and uneven terrain plus a couple of rock slides on the final decent - yikes!
We had a great time in Fernie and look forward to riding these same slopes with our snowboards in the Winter!

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